Wednesday, 20 March 2013

~ Spring ~

The blackthorn is 
beginning to bloom,
and the hawthorn is 
showing the tenderest 
of new green, as its buds 
slowly give birth to its 
Spring foliage.
The collared doves send coded messages
of coo~ing love to one another,
and Sol climbs higher
and burns brighter
every day.
18th March 2013

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

~ The Rooks Are Gathering ~

The Rooks are gathering
at Pelcomb Bridge;
making repairs to 
their grand estate
of twigs in the treetops; 
and heralding Spring
in a raucous chorus
of Rookery racket
and in the cold East wind
a Red Kite flies

12th March 2013